• What is a chapter?

    A chapter is a subset of Hands-Across-Horizons. We will help provide you with resources along with be a partner of your school. Becoming part of Hands-Across-Horizons will bring exclusive opportunities to all students. For participating in meetings and events students will receive volunteer hours.

  • What can we do as a chapter?

    As a chapter you are completely independent! You can run your meetings and set up community events that cater to your needs.

  • How will we make a difference?

    One of our goals is to make the world a better place. Where do we start? We start with education. Locally we have donated books, cds, and other supplies to the public library so it is accessible to all. We will also begin shipping these supplies globally, with a focus on helping third-world countries, or countries involved in violent foreign affairs. Looking past education we will help by doing food and clothing drives, and combatting human trafficking my educating and providing resources to everyone.